In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) - Most commonly used to treat to fertility problems
This is the most common technique because it can be used to treat almost all forms of infertility. The only exception is when there is an issue with the sperm where ICSI is preferable.
There are two different pathways within IVF: The long protocol and the short protocol. Put simply, the long protocol takes 6-7 weeks because your hormones are suppressed before starting treatment. The short protocol does not include this suppression phase so only takes 2-3 weeks.
Mrs. Gordon will talk you through both options unless there is a medical reason why one is unsuitable or preferable for you. Generally speaking, both are equally effective but most fertility clinics are more familiar with the long protocol because it has been around much longer. This is where Mrs. Gordon’s expertise shines because she is best able to tailor your treatment to match your specific needs.
In your final week, you will be scanned to check the number and size of eggs ready for “egg collection”, which is where your eggs are collected in preparation for IVF. On this day, a pre-collected sample of sperm will be added to your eggs in a laboratory dish for fertilisation – hence the name ‘in vitro’ which is Latin for in glass. Once fertilisation occurs, an embryo is formed. This is later returned to the woman’s uterus through an “embryo-transfer” procedure, or if frozen to be used at a later date. Any remaining embryos are also frozen for future use.
Two weeks later, you will be asked to take a urine pregnancy test that will reveal whether the treatment has been successful or not. We are always on the other end of the phone and are keen to support you during this especially sensitive time in any way we can.